
Practical Report Automation Using Excel VBA (PAR)

Round 01, Jul 2022

  • Learn the Basics of VBA Programming Language .
  • Automation of your Reports whenever possible.
  • Rapidly Minimizing the time and effort required for periodic tasks .
  • Take More time to Present and Review your Reports Rather than Creating it.
  • Minimize the time of Creating Baseline Programme (Repetitive projects).
  • More Visualization of Reports By automation of Layouts Progress Coloring.
  • Minimize the time of Creating Resource Dictionary.

  • Basic Knowledge of Excel & Basic Knowledge of Primavera.
  • Basic Knowledge of Planning & Reporting.

  • Planning Engineers.
  • Senior Planning Engineers.
  • Cost Control Engineers.
  • Project Controls Engineers.
  • Anyone Interested in Reporting & Report Automation.

  • Course Presentation
  • VBA Codes
  • Excel templates
  • XERs
Day Date Session no. Topics
Sat 02, Jul 2022 1

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Introduction
  • Macros
  • Recording 1st Macros
  • Visual Basic Editor

The case study for this session is >> Copying This Week QTY To Previous Week QTY

Sun 03, Jul 2022 2

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • The Object model,
  • Reference to Ranges Reference to Worksheets & Workbooks, and
  • What is Variables.

The case study for this session is >> Automatically Opening, Copying & Closing Workbooks

Sat 16, Jul 2022 3

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • For … Next Loop
  • Do loop
  • Find Method
  • Arrays & IF Statement
Sun 17, Jul 2022 4

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Report 1 : P6 Progress Coloring Report,
  • Report 2 : P6 Lookahead Coloring Report.

The case study for this session is >> Coloring Layouts using Excel VBA

Sat 23, Jul 2022 5

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Check if File or Folder Exists
  • Selects & open Files
  • Loop Through a Folder
  • Working with PDF

The case study for this session is >> Opening Photos & Copying it to excel

Sun 24, Jul 2022 6
In this session the instructor will discuss Report 3 : Weekly Report
Sat 30, Jul 2022 7
In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Creating an excel VBA Form,
  • Adding Controls to the Form, and
  • Changing Control and Form Properties.
Sun 31, Jul 2022 8

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Report 4 : Bi-Weekly Planning Report, and
  • Report 5 : Dynamic Dashboard.
Sat 06, Aug 2022 9

In this session all topics from session 01 to session 08 will be summarized.

Sat 13, Aug 2022 10
In this session the instructor will create a Tool to Automate Copying any number of Villas/Building/Floors/Infra ETC… For Repetitive Project.
Sun 14, Aug 2022 11

In this session the instructor will create a Tool to Minimize the time in Creating P6 Resource Dictionary From BOQs

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Introduction
  • Macros
  • Recording 1st Macros
  • Visual Basic Editor

The case study for this session is >> Copying This Week QTY To Previous Week QTY

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • The Object model,
  • Reference to Ranges Reference to Worksheets & Workbooks, and
  • What is Variables.

The case study for this session is >> Automatically Opening, Copying & Closing Workbooks

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • For … Next Loop
  • Do loop
  • Find Method
  • Arrays & IF Statement

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Report 1 : P6 Progress Coloring Report,
  • Report 2 : P6 Lookahead Coloring Report.

The case study for this session is >> Coloring Layouts using Excel VBA

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Check if File or Folder Exists
  • Selects & open Files
  • Loop Through a Folder
  • Working with PDF

The case study for this session is >> Opening Photos & Copying it to excel

In this session the instructor will discuss Report 3 : Weekly Report

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Creating an excel VBA Form,
  • Adding Controls to the Form, and
  • Changing Control and Form Properties.

In this session the instructor will discuss the following:

  • Report 4 : Bi-Weekly Planning Report, and
  • Report 5 : Dynamic Dashboard.

In this session all topics from session 01 to session 08 will be summarized.

In this session the instructor will create a Tool to Automate Copying any number of Villas/Building/Floors/Infra ETC… For Repetitive Project.

In this session the instructor will create a Tool to Minimize the time in Creating P6 Resource Dictionary From BOQs













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Yes, After completing the course you will receive a soft copy certificate

Yes you can use it as pdus, as the course certificate will contain the instructor pmp no.